Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When I Think of Research....

The class “Building Research Competency” for Walden University has really challenged me on my knowledge about research in the early childhood field. I have truly gained an insight on how long research takes and how many parts can factors go into one research topic. This has changed my ideas and nature about doing research in the field because I now know that I would have to devote my whole self to research and not just try to complete research “part time”. It is hard to receive accurate results when  a person is not fully committed to the research by having the time to complete it entirely. I learn lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in the early childhood field by having to set up my own research simulation and think about each part of the process. I did meet challenges when setting up my research with making sure that the research I would conduct would be valid. Validity of research is so important and much thought needs to go into it to achieve success in a research situation. Perceptions of the early childhood profession have been modified for me as a result of the course by having more respect and understanding for the people that do conduct research throughout the field. I am glad to have taken this course to expand my understanding about research and how it applies to my life in the field of early childhood education.