Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another Day, Another Crazy Time

Today in Kindergarten was a crazy day! I would just like to start by saying that I do love the kids I teach. They keep me on my toes all the time! Today was no different. In class today during our reading time we are focusing on Dr. Seuss obviously for his birthday on Friday. As a school, we have planned right to read week next week as well. The students are all very excited about his birthday and about all the great books that we have been reading. Today we read "Horton Hears a Hoot". This is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books because of the meaning it has to these Kindergarten students. "A person is a person, no matter how small" relates to them. So we read the book, talked about it, put some bullet points on our Dr. Seuss anchor chart, and went on Suessville.com to play a Horton music game. I thought to myself "Okay Dr. Seuss is done for the day. Man was I wrong! After reading the students have lunch. Well, one little girl would not eat her lunch because she did not want to be like the mean kangaroo in the book and destroy tiny people's home. She said that she could not live with herself if she knew that she ate someone else. Eventually the lunch aids settled her down and she did eat, put she said she would never again hurt a flower. It was time for an intervention for me- Kindergarten students sometimes take stories literally :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

New Blog, New Chapter, New Education

Hello! I am so excited to be writing my first blog post for my new blog! This is a exciting time in my life at the moment. I have just started my first year of teaching Kindergarten. They are so cute, but make a person so tired at the end of the day! I started this blog as a requirement for my master's from Walden University. I am currently working in getting my master's in Teaching and Diversity within Early Childhood Education. I am very joyful to start this new chapter in my life and share all my feelings and thoughts about these young students. My perspective on education is just to help the children. It is all about the children and doing anything to help them. Even if that means getting to school an hour early and leaving two hours after (my normal day). Please feel free to express your ideas on my blog as well. I am always looking for someone to bounce ideas off of. This blog contains all of my true confessions of being a Kindergarten teacher - enjoy!