Having supports within one’s environment is very important.
I have always been lucky to have such great supporters around me. I have a
wonderful husband who emotionally supports me as well as physically helps by cleaning
the house, cooking, etc. I also have wonderful parents who do the same things.
I also have support from the staff at the school where I work and some amazing grade
mates that help me get through the day. I also use a personal support of making
lists for myself that include anything from what I have to do today, a grocery
list, a homework list, to a menu of all the meals I am going to make this week.
Having these supports make my life more Zen. It helps me feel secure and helps
me to do my best at anything.
I know that some individuals are not as lucky as I am
though. I came to the inclusion by watching the news, reading articles online,
checking Facebook and seeing some horrible situations that my friends are going
through. Yesterday I was flipping through channels and landed on MTV’s “16 and
Pregnant”. I was thinking that if I was 16 and pregnant I do not think I would
have all these supports and “the perfect life” that I have now. I know I would
not of had supporting parents of myself getting pregnant. They would be
disappointed and that would of made me feel bad about myself. I also might not
be married today and have the support of my husband. Or on the flip side, I
might have married my husband early (we have been together since I was a
freshman in high school) but our relationship might not have matured as it has
and we could be very miserable. I do not know what I would do about losing
these two main support systems in my life. I would feel incomplete, sad, and
depressed. I think that in the world maybe this is why we have so many people
that are depressed. Maybe they do not have a great support system and in
retrospect do not support themselves then.
It is important for every human being to have some type of
support. It could be the support of working out and feeling good about them, it
could be the support that a therapist gives; it could be the support and idea
of knowing that when you get home your dog is going to cuddle up with you.
Anything that gives a person drive and motivation I think is a support within
their life.